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A splog or “spam blog” is a blog that steals content from other web sites, then aggregates and republishes the content on its own blog. Splogs are created primarily to make money from ads shown on the splog and/or promote affiliated web sites. Splog owners are too dishonest, lazy or stupid to create their own original content and instead thieve yours.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jottacloud - Backup Smartphone anda sekarang sebelum terlambat

Sangat berguna untuk backup contacts(google tak payah kot), photos, songs, videos, sms dan mms atas awan. Henpon hilang atau terformat/terpaksa format etc...tiada masalah.

Mari ikut saya backup sekarang: KLIK DISINI

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

WHAFF - kumpul duit guna Android Phone/Tablet

Nak ajak korang semua kumpul sen melalui WHAF. Dah pergi check ngan xda forum, ramai kata valid dan bukan spam. Jom join. Free aje. Ini detailsnya.

Social commerce service with rewards, WHAFF!! (WHatAreFriendsFor!?) WHAFF is a new kind of Social Commerce app to satisfy your needs and wants. Simply it is a productivity app, which will satisfy your personal financial planning and accounting. Get WHAFF updated with a wicked Holo UI on google playstore to reach out your financial needs and wants! Have you ever heard about this application that gives you a reward of money when simply downloading apps? I know you cannot believe this but this application really exists and you can find us straight away from the market if your device supports android with Holo UI! 

Cara nak join mudah sahaja:

1) Install aplikasi WHAFF
2) Login seperti biasa melalui facebook, dia auto register.
3) Lepas login akan keluar popup invite code, masukkan code ini AA72875
4) Kemudian korang bolehlah download applikasi, game dan sebagainya dari WHAFF dan earning duit.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Star Wars: Episode VII - Coming Soon 2015

George Lucas baru je jual companynya Lucasfilm kepada Disney minggu lepas. Dan Disney umumkan akan sambung legacy Star Wars. Bukan takat episod 7 tapi, 2 trilogy akan muncul yg mana bermakna Star Wars 7-12 akan keudara di masa hadapan.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mari tonton Koleksi Jackie Chan

Layan filem lama2 kat youtube, best ni. Nak share samalah ngan korang semua. Semua koleksi Jackie Chan ada.

Jom menonton: KLIK DISINI